Monday, October 6, 2008

Song #18 - Rosalie & The Ocean In Her Eyes

Here's 'R' for you. The first line came to me while I was working on something on another song... and went from there... I love the smell of the breeze coming off the ocean in New England... I like writing these songs about someone, as told through the eyes of someone else... all at the same time telling the story of the narrator also. I used a little bit of an irregular chord stucture for part of the verses...

Listen/Download Here: Rosalie & The Ocean In Her Eyes
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Rosalie & The Ocean In Her Eyes

Rosalie... Lived in a house down by the ocean
Rosalie was at home down by the sea
Salty New England Breeze
Filled her lungs every morning, every evening
Coffee tastes better out on the porch swing
Where she can see the tides coming in

Rosalie is always beautiful
I see her dress blow in the wind
The ocean in her eyes and her eyes out on the ocean
And my eyes on her

Rosalie married me out on this beach
Just forty very short years ago
All of our kids gone and grown
And have families of their own
There isn't anything I wouldn't trade in this life
To sit with my wife and watch the tides coming in

Oh I hope and pray every day
That we can spend forever and a day
Watching the river flow into the ocean
And watching the rain drops falling down
Time is a river, memories the rain
We spend our days watching the the tides coming in

Eventually it came time for Rosalie
To leave this world behind
So, I scattered her ashes in the great Atlantic Sea
And I watched as the tide was coming in

Rosalie, She was always beautiful
I watched the ashes blow in the wind
The ocean was in her eyes and her eyes were on the ocean
And my eyes were always on her

(c) & (p) Daniel L. Vaillancourt (ASCAP)

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